Wednesday, March 2, 2011

First post, what to write about...

Greetings! This is my gaming blog. I'm gonna talk about the games I'm playing here, whether it be ranting about features that should or shouldn't be in it, reviewing it, or bitching about a part I'm stuck at lol. First post is going to have to be about Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together for PSP.

Start off by just saying I love this game. Admittedly I'm biased, turn based strategy RPGs are probably my favorite type of game. I loved the original Tactics Ogre, and I love Final Fantasy Tactics. And since the new Tactics Ogre was made by the two teams that made those games, and is definitely just the two games fused... yeah, I love it. But, there are complaints. First what it does right!

The battle system is almost exactly Final Fantasy Tactics, minus a few things I'll complain about later. There's terrain to navigate, elevation to worry about, all that kind of stuff. You can craft + 1 gear which is cool, though unneccessarily tedious - definitely worth it. The gear is vastly improved when upgraded. The game is challenging without being stupid hard. The storyline is pretty awesome, though not quite as good as FFT, although in this game you do have choices which affect the storyline, so maybe some of the paths I didn't take are better, who knows.

The things I don't like at all, while they have the basic battle system from FFT, it's not quite as in depth. For instance, in FFT, if you had an archer up high, and shot an arrow, it would do extra damage depending on how high you were. Not the case in this game. The leveling is another thing I have minor complaints about, though it stems from how I play my games. You don't level individual characters - you level the jobs. This goes against how I play, because usually in games, especially this genre, I like to make my main character about 7x more powerful than my second strongest character. It's an obsession, one I'm unable to indulge in this game. Another complaint although minor, is with the crafting, you can buy all the basic materials you need, and craft them into more advanced materials to craft your armor/weapon/accessory, but there's a chance to fail, and it happens more often than it should. Of course you can just save before you craft, so there's no real risk if you're smart. But it's just a little bit annoying.

Well that's all I've got for this game, for now at least. I'll probably do one big review/whatever a week, and smaller ones throughout the week. Hope you enjoyed!

1 comment:

  1. Great, you've started! We must head to the nearest all you can eat buffet at once!
